Pirotta Services

We are pleased to announce that we have received our ISO Accreditation for Quality, Environment & Safety

May 11, 2020 Blog

We are moving forward with our accreditation for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.



We’re pleased to announce that Pirotta Services Commercial has been officially certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

What this means is, we’ve taken a number of steps to improve our operations and optimise the way we move into the future. ISO certification internationally recognises our company’s Integrated management system and is found in only highly efficient organisations that make a commitment to continual improvement.

We would like to thank Compliance Lab for their continual support and guidance to enable us to achieve our ISO certifications and to Best Practice Certification for certifying us, including all of their support in the process.

What this means for our organisation and our customers.

  • Improving our reputation and increasing our business opportunities
  • Minimising project risks of potential downtime
  • Demonstration of our commitment to meet legal obligations
  • Maintaining compliance with legal requirements
  • Providing a system to maintain and continually improve health and safety
  • Problems are identified more quickly and solutions are improved
  • All processes are evaluated, standardised and explained to the whole organisation
  • Access to key markets and business opportunities

ISO 9001 (Quality)

ISO 9001 for Quality certification is an internationally-recognised quality management system and is
found in only highly efficient organisations that make a commitment to continual improvement. We
look forward to moving into the future in a more efficient, professional and friendly manner, serving
more customers with a product that will continue to increase in its quality.

How this benefits us and our clients…….

  • A better understanding of our customer needs
  • Overall communication is improved
  • Decrease issues relating to performance
  • Improved customer satisfaction and retention
  • Improved response to customer and market demands
  • Problems are identified more quickly and solutions are improved

ISO 14001 (Environmental)

ISO 14001 is an international standard that organizations can only receive if they make improvements to their
environmental standards while keeping the standard of the final service of a high standard. Quite
simply, it means that atop our list of considerations as we do business is a commitment to minimise
our environmental impact; and now we’ve got the certification to prove it.

How this benefits us and our clients…….

  • Improving our environmental performance and reducing the impact on the environment
  • Promoting waste mimisation on projects
  • Retaining environmental knowledge and ensuring effective communication
  • Promoting a positive image with stakeholders, customers and employees

ISO 45001 (OH&S)

ISO 45001 is an international standard that organizations receive when they develop efficient safety systems, while
keeping the standard of the final service of a high standard. This means that atop our list of priorities
as our business is a commitment to preventing workplace injury and illness; and now we’ve got the
certification to prove it.

How this benefits us and our clients…….

  • Ensuring an effective OHS policy and objectives.
  • Reduce/eliminate workplace incidents/injuries.
  • Processes to identify hazards and manage safety risks.
  • A demonstration of our commitment to safety of our workforce and other stakeholders.
  • Access to key markets and business opportunities

Links to our accreditation partners:




Click on the Logos above to find out more about their services.

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